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mindset values pro career

Here are my top 3 values.

I did the values exercise from Sarah Drasner’s book.

Fri Apr 19 2024

Engineering management for the rest of us book by Sarah Drasner is one of my favorites. She suggests doing the values exercise to identify and learn both your team member’s and your own values.

I performed the exercise myself and also exchanged mine with the team members on the design system engineering program. This helps us understand each other at a deeper level.

My following picks apply to both work and life, be it people, programs, products, processes or relationships.


  • It’s important for me to take on responsibility and see things through.
  • If I commit to something, it will get done to the highest expression possible, within my realm of capability.
  • The trust and confidence people have that “something Srini takes on is in one of the best possible hands” is important for me.


  • I believe in finding a way to manifest.
  • Positive and optimistic, I will learn, meditate, iterate and tap into the greater conscious and forces of the universe to come up with creative solutions and make art.
  • I love to create, make and build; making progress and gaining momentum.

Personal Development

  • Self-improvement is something that is paramount to me.
  • I strive to develop my knowledge and skills, be it technical, people skills, physical fitness, aspects in the mind or spirit.
  • Forever improvement and learning is important to me.
  • I will be a student of the world as well as a teacher where I can add value.
  • My accountability and creativity improve as I continue to develop myself.
  • My ability to help others improves as I continue to develop and work on myself.

The Values Exercise

Pick top 3 that resonate and why?

  1. Accountability
  2. Advocacy
  3. Autonomy
  4. Compassion
  5. Collaboration
  6. Contribution
  7. Creativity
  8. Curiosity
  9. Dependability
  10. Diversity
  11. Empathy
  12. Ethics
  13. Excellence
  14. Fairness
  15. Family
  16. Friendships
  17. Fun
  18. Growth
  19. Happiness
  20. Health
  21. Honesty
  22. Humility
  23. Humor
  24. Inclusiveness
  25. Independence
  26. Knowledge
  27. Performance
  28. Personal Development
  29. Spirituality
  30. Perfection
  31. Power
  32. Preparedness
  33. Reliability
  34. Success
  35. Teamwork
  36. Traditionalism
  37. Trustworthiness
  38. Versatility
  39. Vision
  40. Warmth
  41. Wealth
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